Wednesday, June 17, 2009

a whole new world

School got out this week and so the niece and nephews are running amuck in the yard as we speak. This shall prove to be an interesting expiriment with my babies. Weekends are always fun when everyone is here, the older ones running around and the younger ones trying to nap and maintain any kind of schedule. Today was the first full day of everyone at home. When you add that Ella has strep throat, that makes for an potentially explosive situation. But aside from the babies trying to help the older ones play video games peace was maintained.
another shocking fact was that my frequently MIA husband, has started to abandon his video game land and participate in our family. Now, I love my husband very much, but I HATE his video game habit. He much prefers to disappear into imaginary lands with magic and evil, rather than co-exist on our planet. The last three days since we returned from my mother's house he has switched off the game and played witth the kids and I for over an hour each night. Now for most spouses out there this would be unacceptable. But previously in my home I was lucky if he would kiss the children good-night and look at them in the eye. So an hour of play time is far more than I could have hoped for. I am trying not to be suspect of his new found free time, and I pray that it will continue. I will take any steps forward that I can!
Tonight, during his sabbatical from the game he took it upon himself to make chocolate cream cheese frosting for a cake I had baked earlier in the day. And he made it from scratch. On his own. And it was good. 6 months ago if you had told me that this would happen on a random Wednessday night, I would have laughed in your face. I am still reeling from the shock!
Tomorrow we have a doctor appointment to check up on Ella's sore throat, followed by a WIC appointment. I have been waiting for that for almost a month, because I need my milk vouchers. I have spent almost $100.00 on milk for Dublin this month. I have to buy the lactose free stuff, only availiable in a half gallon, and at almost four dollars a piece they add up, quickly. That will be a major weight off my sholders, thank God!
I should migrate to bed really soon. I am pooped out from all the excitement from the day. I cannot even imagine another 2 months of this.

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