Sunday, June 21, 2009

MIA fathers day

It has been a fairly quiet father's day around here, despite the fact that there has been 6 children under 13 running around! Well perhaps I have just been able to tune out the noise so that unless I have someone attached to my leg shrieking (which with two babies -it happens quite often). Husband had to work today and since the babies are still recovering from their brush with strep throat this week we had a indoor morning watching Veggie Tales and nibbling cheese. We did try to venture outside this afternoon, only to find that everytime we went outside it would begin to rain. Husband finally got home this afternoon and proceeded to play his game in usual husband style. I don't know why anything would be different on a day like today except I would have liked to have seen him spend the day with his children. You know like a real father?!? But alas this is real life.
I did whip up a fancy schmanzy dinner tonight. Seared NY steaks with fresh herbs for the grown ups, and my chicken stuffing casserole for everyone else. I modified the recipe a little since I was missing a key ingrediant but it turned out even better so I may need to make this a permenant change! Always exciting when I figure stuff like that out! Babies are in bed and husband is continuing his mission to save his imaginary world from whatever that is. I think that I am going to start making Ella a new tutu. This is my new project. I don't sew. AT ALL. Not because I don't want to or because I don't have time. But because every single attempt I have ever made has been an absolute disaster. I almost failed home ec, and I am a great cook. I survuved and thrived in culinary school for goodness sake! So my sitching abilities leave ALOT to desire. I did find a seemingly simple pattern online so I have hope! I will let you know!

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