Saturday, May 30, 2009

workout CRACK!

Another full day in the sunshine! We got up this morning after sleeping in until 9! Wahoo! ( I remember when sleeping in meant noon or 1 but now-a-days I will take what I can get!) Dub had a rotten smell so I sent him on his way into the living room where dad was playing his video game, while I let the dogs out. Bleu was still snoring away so I let her sleep. She has been so busy running laps in the yard and playing in the pool that she deserved some extra shut eye.
When I got back inside, the hubs had Dub cleaned up, thank goodness! I don't know if I could have handled that first thing, no coffee under the belt. Not long after Miss Snores Alot woke up and graced us with a BIG smile.
The babies spent the morning outside with Uncle Mike and the big kids while I took care of the back-up of laundry to put away. Never fails that once they see me thru the window they MUST come back in and see what I am up to. And it never fails that it was nothing exciting but I wouldn't let them escape.
I escaped to the gym while they were napping. Was near empty today at the Y, shocking because who wouldn't want to run on the treadmill watching TV when its 75 and gorgeous outside? I stupidly got on the treadmill with the TV directly on it, so you can put it on ANY channel you want. Flipping thru I found TLC and the season premiere of What Not to Wear! They made over Blossom! I know that she has a name and a PHD but she will always wear that flowered hat for me. I knew that I should turn it off but I actually got sucked in watching them throw away her Doc Martins and it was like workout crack! I put in an extra 45 minutes until my legs were screaming at me that they were stopping with or without me. I had to turn it off, 10 minutes before the big reveal because for fear of being thrown off the treadmill by my own legs.
The afternoon was spent in usual fashion-chasing babies in and out of the pools, around the trampoline, and up and down the stairs. Dub laid down in the baby pool fully clothed for the first time today. Just pops his little head on the inflated side and suns himself. I had to strip him down and let him streak under daddy's careful eye while I dug out his new swim trunks. Miss Bleu has also been refusing her clothes today. She has always been a nudist but she is getting older and should learn modesty *snicker*. But now that she has figured out how to strip all on her own you might think that she is winning this battle, but I am a stubborn opponent. She is about to get put in bed and if she pulls of the night gown again I may give up for the night. No one will be seeing her in her crib but me so I guess we can survive. After all tomorrow is another war.....

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